[midPoint] Help with an error message required :-)

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Mon May 25 16:05:30 CEST 2020

Hello Chris,

the difference between PrismContainer and ResourceAttributeContainer is 
that the former (PrismContainer) is a generic building block of midPoint 
data structures whereas the latter (ResourceAttributeContainer) is its 
special subtype used to contain resource object attributes. It is 
managed by Provisioning subsystem.

Definition of ResourceAttributeContainer is augmented by e.g.

  * information on what are the identifiers (like icfs:uid, icfs:name,
  * what is the relevant kind/intent/object class,

and each of the property (attribute) definitions is not regular 
PrismPropertyDefinition but a ResourceAttributeDefinition that contains e.g.

  * native attribute name,
  * "is primary/secondary identifier" flag,
  * "is returned by default" flag.

But I am afraid this information is not too helpful in your context. :)

The error you mentioned occurs e.g. when I try to create a piece of 
information via prism methods and then try to use it as part of resource 
object shadow at a place where midPoint expects "more elaborate" values, 
i.e. ResouceAttributeContainer instead of plain PrismContainer.

How to fix:

 1. ProvisioningService has methods called applyDefinition (there are
    more variants) that take a plain object and try to convert prism
    structures to provisioning-enhanced ones - one of such changes is
    converting PrismContainer to ResourceAttributeContainer for
    attributes. So you might have a look if this is applicable to your
 2. Or you can write us (publicly or privately, as you need) and explain
    your use case and your approach to the solution. We might be able to
    help you more specifically.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 24/05/2020 18:53, Chris Woods wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone point me in the general direction where I need to look if 
> I’m getting the following error:
> Expected that <identifiers> will be ResourceAttributeContainer but it 
> is class com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.PrismContainerImpl: Expected 
> that <identifiers> will be ResourceAttributeContainer but it is class 
> com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.PrismContainerImpl
> I have a resource with an association and this message comes when I’m 
> testing assigning and removing groups via midPoint roles.
> Regards,
> Chris
> Identity Management
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