[midPoint] Found conflicting existing object - task Request assignments

Lubomir Odlevak odlevak.lubomir at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 17:13:14 CET 2020


I have got following error message when i had requested 1 role for 2 users
in mP:
*cannot determine values that satisfy constraints: Found conflicting
existing object with property name =
PP({.../common/common-3}name):[PPV(PolyString:Request assignments)]:
task:659bc296-f3be-4e3c-be5b-0aa47a18cfc5(Request assignments)  *

It seems mP can't create task *Request assignments* because it is
existed already. I have checked previous mP versions and mP was creating
multiple Request assignments (many with same name) without any issue.
It is a bug  or something was changed in mP 4.x ?

my mP version: 4.0.1
Lubomir Odlevak
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