[midPoint] [midpoint] Query for user, list AdministrativeStatus of all his projections

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Thu Mar 5 14:12:41 CET 2020


I need to query for a specified user, as a result I must have an output including a list of all his projections with AdministrativeStatus of each projection.
The users have about 70~100 projections each.

I can enter the user's projections tab and expand every projection to show the status, but
this is time consuming, unreliable and gives me a lot of unnecessary data.

I'm looking for a simple XML query that gives me what I want but my experiences of querying midPoint is almost none.
Maybe some of you already have a script like that and could share it, or have bigger experience with queries and could help me with that?

Wojciech Staszewski
Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych

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