[midPoint] Community discussion (was: Re: Winrs (launch from server console))

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Tue Jun 30 09:41:06 CEST 2020

Hello Anton,

I have noticed your questions, as I have noticed previous questions. 
However, I'm quite disinclined to provide answers. This list is an open 
community discussion, not a commercial support channel.

Firstly, the list is governed by a principle of reciprocity. If you 
expect help from the community, you should probably try to help other 
members of community yourself.

Secondly, it is expected that you make some effort to resolve the 
problem yourself. Microsoft environment, and especially WinRM is a 
complicated and non-transparent matter. You can help the community by 
trying to understand the operation of Microsoft technologies and perhaps 
precisely pinpoint the problem. As all midPoint-related code, source 
code of the connector is available and you are free to have a look at 
it. The connector is not complicated.

Full community guidelines are available here: 

This is how open source communities work. This is not a free ride, it is 
mutual cooperation. If you feel that you cannot contribute back with 
your skill, time or experience, then you can contribute with money. 
There are commercial support services provided by Evolveum.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 30. 6. 2020 7:40, Щенев Антон Вячеславович wrote:
> Hi
> Could you pls answer me how can I  check the operation of the command 
> winrs  directly from the console(Linux)?
> This script works fine from remote machines and creates a mailbox, but 
> when working through midpoint in Windows logs is always the 
> error(WSMan operation CreateShell failed, error code 2150859120)
> <code>winrs -r:http://my.domain.com:5985 -u:????? -p:?????? 
> powershell.exe -command "$username = '????'; $password = 
> ConvertTo-SecureString '?????' -asplaintext -force; $UserCredential = 
> New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 
> -argumentlist $username,$password; $Session = New-PSSession 
> -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri 
> http://my.domain.com/powershell -Authentication Kerberos -Credential 
> $UserCredential; Invoke-Command -Session $Session {enable-mailbox 
> -Identity "test.test"};Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession"</code>
> I tried this option too
> Winrs   -ad  -u:????? -p:?????? powershell.exe
> The result is the same: WSMan operation CreateShell failed, error code 
> 2150859120
> Описание: Описание: Описание: cid:image004.png at 01D47D0D.3B8B0380
> С уважением,
> Щенев Антон
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