[midPoint] Winrm credssp

Щенев Антон Вячеславович anton.shchenev at beeper.ru
Mon Jun 1 15:33:15 CEST 2020

Strange error I got when used credssp authentication scheme .

Exception occurred while making winrm call <javascript:;>
Parts of log file:
Caused by: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected EOF in prolog
at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,0]
        at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(JaxWsClientProxy.java:159)

Why is there a proxy client?

Where to dig?

С уважением,
Щенев Антон
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