[midPoint] forgot password custom form

Pascal PÉRICHON pascal.perichon at uspc.fr
Thu Apr 30 11:05:21 CEST 2020


The forgot password custom form seems to accept only  the attributes 
'name' and/or 'emailAddress' (from the UserType schema).

Is there any to use another attribute ? For example we have an attribute 
'personalEmailAddress' (not professional) from a custom schema extension 
? I didn't find any way to catch the request sent by the form (and make 
a search for the user by personalEmailAddress)  before the notification 
event is send.

Of course I could identify the user in midPoint with his professional 
address (emailAddress) or login (name) from the form and send a 
confirmation email link to his personal email address, but it seems not 
to be satisfying.


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