[midPoint] Two iterations in one schema handling OR two assignments on one resource

Guckenbiehl, Gabriel gabriel.guckenbiehl at uni-due.de
Tue Jun 18 15:56:39 CEST 2019

Hello alltogether,

I'm stuck with a rather sepecific problem and so decided to write my first
Mail to this very helpful list.

In my usecase I have two different sources of Users A and B which should be
mapped to he same LDAP with slight differences in the mappings..

To do so, when importing they are assigned two different roles A' and B'
both with an construction block fort he LDAP ressource with two different

That far everything goes pretty straightforward, but now it gets

For each account on the LDAP ressource there are two fields which must be
unique for all entries on the ressource, one UID-like thing and one
Mailadress-like. So I would need two different iterators for each objecttype
(the uid needs lot more iteration than the mail-thing). As this seems not
possible I had another idea:

As construction of the UID-like thing is equal for the accounts from both
sources my idea was to make a third intent in the LDAP-schemahandling, and
have two construction-blocks in each role A and B. one fort he common part
and one fort he specific part. But when applying this I get an nullpointer
exception fort he post-iteration expression in the second construction

Neither changing the order oft he constructionblocks nor anything else seems
to help, while executing only one oft he assignments does just fine.

Maybe anyone here has had a similar problem hand can give me a solution or
some hint, what else to try?

Kind regards



Gabriel Guckenbiehl, M.Sc.
Zentrum für Informations- und Mediendienste (ZIM)
Universität Duisburg Essen
Schützenbahn 70
45127 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 183-3346

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