[midPoint] scriptedSQL connector issue
Martin Lízner - AMI Praha a.s.
martin.lizner at ami.cz
Sun Jul 7 17:13:03 CEST 2019
The new Scripted SQL connector on github is totally usable, only its not
release yet. You need to build your own dependencies first:
*Martin Lízner*
chief solution architect
gsm: [+420] 737 745 571
e‑mail: martin.lizner at ami.cz
*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz
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st 26. 6. 2019 v 10:35 odesílatel Peter Holes <pholes at gmail.com> napsal:
> Hi All,
> I would like to discuss an issue with ScriptedSQL connector, maybe
> somebody facing similar issue.. or my DB or midpoint configuration is
> not relevant.
> I am using an ScriptedSQL connector (v2.0) and midPoint 3.9, the
> version 2.1 on github has errors (unable to build the connector, due
> dependency issues). I try to prepare a searchScript.groovy based on
> samples, which pull data from SQL table.
> I have something like this:
> ##
> ..
> def sql = new Sql(connection)
> def result = [];
> log.info('### objectClass:' + objectClass);
> switch ( objectClass ) {
> case "ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__":
> sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM egje.dbo.employees where EMAIL is not NULL
> AND USERNAME is not NULL", {
> result.add([__UID__:it.OSCPV, __NAME__:it.OSCPV,
> givenname:it.GIVENNAME, lastname:it.FAMILYNAME, username:it.USERNAME,
> email:it.EMAIL])
> log.info("### [ScriptedSQL] attributes:oscpv:{0},givenname:
> {1},familyName: {2},username: {3},email: {4}",
> })
> default:
> result;
> }
> //log.info('### nothing to do...{}', result);
> return result;
> ..
> ##
> I try to read the data to midPoint and create shadows (through browse
> myResource>Accoutns>Repository), but I get the errors in log file:
> "Paged search is requested, but the filtered results handler is
> enabled in effective (i.e. non-validation) mode. This is not
> supported."
> so, I update the resource configuration like this:
> <icfc:resultsHandlerConfiguration>
> <icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>
> <icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>
> <icfc:filteredResultsHandlerInValidationMode>true</icfc:filteredResultsHandlerInValidationMode>
> <icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>
> </icfc:resultsHandlerConfiguration>
> and extends 2 resource capabilities:
> <cap:pagedSearch/>
> <cap:countObjects>
> <cap:simulate>pagedSearchEstimate</cap:simulate>
> </cap:countObjects>
> can anybody help, how to figure out of this issue?
> Thx for help.
> Peter.
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