[midPoint] Consistency - Postponing the operations

Jason Everling jeverling at bshp.edu
Thu Jan 3 16:03:13 CET 2019

There is also a note on Sync on the wiki, not sure what parts have not been

" Note: discovery is not yet fully implemented. "

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 9:01 AM Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu> wrote:

> Its under the Synchronization settings, check for both the user and group
> syncs, right after correlation
> <opportunistic>true</opportunistic>
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:57 AM Jason Everling <jeverling at bshp.edu> wrote:
>> Did you enable discovery on the resource?
>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:54 AM Jésica Collado <collado.jesica at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I was reading this section in midpoint wiki
>>> https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Consistency+mechanism#Consistencymechanism-Postponingtheoperations
>>> In order to see how this feature work I did the following:
>>> -Configure an AD resource and test that work properly assigning groups
>>> and stuff
>>> -Assign some roles to a user that create an AD account and provide some
>>> groups
>>> -Turn down the resource. In Test connection I get: Connection failed:
>>> org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectionFailedException(Unable
>>> to connect to LDAP server due to unknown reasons)
>>> -Request a new role that provide a new group in AD
>>> -Turn up the resource
>>> -Run a reconciliation task for the resource
>>> The role has been assigned but the new group has never provided.
>>> In reconciliation log I got: Processing unfinished operations done. Out
>>> of 0 objects, 0 were processed successfully and processing of 0 resulted in
>>> failure. Total time spent: 0 ms.
>>> In shadow object I got a partial_error
>>>    <operationExecution id="327">
>>>       <timestamp>2018-12-27T14:48:54.929Z</timestamp>
>>>       <operation>
>>>          <objectDelta>
>>>             <t:changeType>modify</t:changeType>
>>>             <t:objectType>c:ShadowType</t:objectType>
>>>          </objectDelta>
>>>          <executionResult>
>>> <operation>com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.ChangeExecutor.executeDelta</operation>
>>>             <status>partial_error</status>
>>>             <token>1000000000000012695</token>
>>>          </executionResult>
>>>          <objectName>CN=Jorn
>>> Lande,OU=Mapple,DC=demoidm,DC=com</objectName>
>>>          <resourceOid>02c7a73e-d7dd-43dd-9ae1-80d40cadd05d</resourceOid>
>>>          <resourceName>Mapple AD</resourceName>
>>>       </operation>
>>>       <status>partial_error</status>
>>>       <initiatorRef oid="23b530a2-85c7-495a-8657-dfeb4019f731"
>>>                     relation="org:default"
>>>                     type="c:UserType"/>
>>>       <taskRef oid="a4abae28-fb89-4421-8e52-7960f39ed260"
>>>                relation="org:default"
>>>                type="c:TaskType"/>
>>>       <channel>
>>> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/gui/channels-3#user</channel>
>>>    </operationExecution>
>>> Am I doing something wrong?
>>> Thank you
>>> Jésica Collado
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