[midPoint] Problem with associationFromLink metarole (v3.8)

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Sat Feb 23 19:06:10 CET 2019


It turned out, that the "inOid" expression has nothing to do with my
I tested it for the last 2 days and I came to the following conclusion:

1) I have to remove the account from ALL groups of specified kind in the
target system,
then midPoint restores these groups for this account (all of them).

2) If I remove the account from one group only in the target system,
midPoint ignores this change and does not restore the membership.

I made a short movie as they say "one picture is worth 1000 words" and
also I am not sure about my english skills.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zegbzA72mcA

As I wrote before, this association is non-tolerant.
Where to look for the cause?

W dniu 21.02.2019 o 18:52, Wojciech Staszewski pisze:
> Hello!
> A little UPDATE about this issue:
> The problem seems to be related to the "inOid" expression.
> If I replace this expression with static Resource OID declaration the
> metarole works correctly.
> I have some options now:
> 1) Replace "inOid" expression with static Oid, multiply this metarole
> for each resource and correct the synchronization templates (many
> resources, much work).
> 2) Maybe the "resolutionTime" is the clue and "run" is incorrect value
> here? What value can be set in this place and how it actually works?
> 3) If it's a bug in midPoint, maybe it is fixed already in some
> "post-fixes" branch?
> Thanks,
> WS
> W dniu 11.02.2019 o 13:15, Wojciech Staszewski pisze:
>> Hi All!
>> I have a strange problem with metarole (association from link) that
>> gives a group membership to users on some specified resource.
>> The metarole is assigned to a parent role "Group: HELPDESK", this role
>> has active linkRef (projection) to a resource group shadow.
>> Association is non-tolerant.
>> If I assign this role to a midPoint user, the user is correctly
>> assigned to desired group (HELPDESK) on the target system.
>> If I unassign this role, the group membership on the resource is removed.
>> If I add the account to some other group directly on the target system
>> - this membership is removed by midPoint (non-tolerant assoc.).
>> Till now everything is perfectly OK.
>> But If I remove the user from "HELPDESK" group directly on the target
>> system, midPoint ignores that and does not recreate the membership,
>> though the user has "Group: HELPDESK" assigned.
>> I tried "reconciliation" of the user and "recompute" role members,
>> nothing. No changes.
>> The only way to recreate group membership is to unassign "Group:
>> HELPDESK" in midPoint and assign it again.
>> For testing purposes I made a role that assign group "HELPDESK" using
>> simple "shadowRef" and this is working OK.
>> The metarole construction:
>>     <inducement id="1">
>>       <construction>
>>          <strength>weak</strength>
>>          <resourceRef relation="org:default" type="c:ResourceType">
>>             <filter>
>>                <q:inOid>
>>                   <expression>
>>                      <script>
>>                         <code>
>>                             return
>> basic.getPropertyValue(immediateRole, "extension/resourceRef");
>>                         </code>
>>                      </script>
>>                   </expression>
>>                </q:inOid>
>>             </filter>
>>             <resolutionTime>run</resolutionTime>
>>          </resourceRef>
>>          <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>          <intent>groups</intent>
>>       </construction>
>>    </inducement>
>>    <inducement id="2">
>>       <construction>
>>          <resourceRef relation="org:default" type="c:ResourceType">
>>             <filter>
>>                <q:inOid>
>>                   <expression>
>>                      <script>
>>                         <code>
>>                             return
>> basic.getPropertyValue(immediateRole, "extension/resourceRef");
>>                         </code>
>>                      </script>
>>                   </expression>
>>                </q:inOid>
>>             </filter>
>>             <resolutionTime>run</resolutionTime>
>>          </resourceRef>
>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>          <association id="7">
>>             <c:ref>ri:groups</c:ref>
>>             <outbound>
>>                <expression>
>>                   <associationFromLink
>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>> xsi:type="c:AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>                      <projectionDiscriminator
>> xsi:type="c:ShadowDiscriminatorType">
>>                         <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>                         <intent>groups</intent>
>>                      </projectionDiscriminator>
>>                   </associationFromLink>
>>                </expression>
>>             </outbound>
>>          </association>
>>       </construction>
>>       <order>2</order>
>>    </inducement>
>> Parent role has an extension attribute "resourceRef" with resource OID.
>> First inducement is weak as this role must work with another role that
>> gives strong account assignment.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks!

Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
tel. kom: 663 680 236
Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
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