[midPoint] MidPoint and server hardware utilization
Wojciech Staszewski
wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Mon Feb 18 16:01:36 CET 2019
I am curious about your opinion and experience about optimal server hardware for midPoint deployment.
At the moment I have over 7000 users, 190 active resources, 422 Org Units, 2793 roles, 111 reconciliation tasks.
Our midPoint is working slow. GUI became very slow, if user has over 20 projections the user details page opens dramatically slow.
Hardware: 26 CPU cores, 256GB RAM (128G reserved for Tomcat, 50G for DB), 8 x SSD RAID10 for the DB.
Database: MySQL, DB size: 17GB.
At the moment I moved all server tasks to evening hours and weekends to enable GUI routine works for end users.
But I wonder if this is a good moment to start thinking about second midPoint node to make a cluster...
And this is still pre-production time (production launch is planned on 07.2019r).
Will the second node be a cure for slow GUI? Or maybe move the connectors to a separate host?
Maybe re-planning server tasks?
Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
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