[midPoint] Problem with associationFromLink metarole (v3.8)

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Mon Feb 11 13:15:11 CET 2019

Hi All!

I have a strange problem with metarole (association from link) that gives a group membership to users on some specified resource.
The metarole is assigned to a parent role "Group: HELPDESK", this role has active linkRef (projection) to a resource group shadow.

Association is non-tolerant.

If I assign this role to a midPoint user, the user is correctly assigned to desired group (HELPDESK) on the target system.
If I unassign this role, the group membership on the resource is removed.
If I add the account to some other group directly on the target system - this membership is removed by midPoint (non-tolerant assoc.).

Till now everything is perfectly OK.

But If I remove the user from "HELPDESK" group directly on the target system, midPoint ignores that and does not recreate the membership, though the user has "Group: HELPDESK" assigned.
I tried "reconciliation" of the user and "recompute" role members, nothing. No changes.

The only way to recreate group membership is to unassign "Group: HELPDESK" in midPoint and assign it again.

For testing purposes I made a role that assign group "HELPDESK" using simple "shadowRef" and this is working OK.

The metarole construction:

     <inducement id="1">
          <resourceRef relation="org:default" type="c:ResourceType">
                             return basic.getPropertyValue(immediateRole, "extension/resourceRef");
    <inducement id="2">
          <resourceRef relation="org:default" type="c:ResourceType">
                             return basic.getPropertyValue(immediateRole, "extension/resourceRef");
          <association id="7">
                   <associationFromLink xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                      <projectionDiscriminator xsi:type="c:ShadowDiscriminatorType">

Parent role has an extension attribute "resourceRef" with resource OID.
First inducement is weak as this role must work with another role that gives strong account assignment.
Any ideas?
Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
tel. kom: 663 680 236
Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
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