[midPoint] AutomaticallyCompleted condition on role assignment
Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s.
arnost.starosta at ami.cz
Tue Feb 5 16:12:57 CET 2019
ok, sorry, i'm not that versed in assignment policy and thought that this
inducement from metarole (without any orderConstraint) would check
assignments for the role itself and not the user assignments.
than i don't see the problem either. you can try tracing
the com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl loggers, it may tell you more.
good luck
út 5. 2. 2019 v 15:17 odesílatel Nicolas Rossi <nrossi at identicum.com>
> I already tried with the SchemaConstants and I got the same behavior. The
> debug message is not logged. Even when I change it to log.error. This is
> the operation log I get:
> 2019-02-04 18:01:22,678 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.Clockwork): Allow
> assignment/unassignment to user:b1ddb76d-769a-4937-a88b-dd6c2798a79b(
> andressa.silva at customer.com) becasue access to assignment
> container/properties is explicitly allowed
> 2019-02-04 18:01:22,745 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processes.itemApproval.ItemApprovalProcessInterface):
> About to start approval process instance 'Assigning role "Role with
> Approval" to user "andressa.silva at customer.com"'
> 2019-02-04 18:01:22,747 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processes.itemApproval.ItemApprovalProcessInterface):
> Approval schema XML:
> <value xmlns:q="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/query-3"
> xmlns:c="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3
> "
> xmlns:t="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3"
> xmlns:org="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/org-3"
> xmlns:icfs="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3
> "
> xmlns:ri="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:type="c:ApprovalSchemaType">
> <stage xmlns="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3">
> <number>1</number>
> <approverRef oid="53579500-962e-4b81-a946-7099bb077b8b"
> relation="org:default"
> type="c:UserType"><!-- nrossi --></approverRef>
> <outcomeIfNoApprovers>reject</outcomeIfNoApprovers>
> <groupExpansion>byClaimingWorkItem</groupExpansion>
> </stage>
> </value>
> 2019-02-04 18:01:22,763 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processes.itemApproval.ItemApprovalProcessInterface):
> Attached rules:
> <value xmlns:q="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/query-3"
> xmlns:c="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3
> "
> xmlns:t="http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3"
> xmlns:org="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/org-3"
> xmlns:icfs="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3
> "
> xmlns:ri="
> http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:type="c:SchemaAttachedPolicyRulesType"/>
> 2019-02-04 18:01:22,953 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processes.itemApproval.InitializeLoopThroughApproversInStage):
> Approval process instance Assigning role "Role with Approval" to user "
> andressa.silva at customer.com <andressa.silva at decolar.com>" (id 9803),
> stage 1:null: predetermined outcome: null, approvers:
> [com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType at 9a18f61[_referenceValue=PRV(oid=53579500-962e-4b81-a946-7099bb077b8b,
> targetType={.../common/common-3}UserType,
> relation={.../common/org-3}default)]]
> 2019-02-04 18:01:23,149 [] [pool-4-thread-29] DEBUG
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.wf.impl.processes.itemApproval.PrepareForTaskCreation):
> Creating work item for
> assignee=UserType:53579500-962e-4b81-a946-7099bb077b8b,
> candidateGroups=null, additionalInformation='[]'
> The metarole is induced to the role that needs to be approved. It's
> working because the user defined as ApproverRef on the metarole receives
> the work item to approve it when the role is requested.
> Ing Nicolás Rossi
> Identicum S.A.
> Jorge Newbery 3226
> Oficina: +54 (11) 4552-3050
> Móvil: +54 (911) 6041-3920
> www.identicum.com
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 6:26 AM Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s. <
> arnost.starosta at ami.cz> wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> i use SchemaConstants.MODEL_APPROVAL_OUTCOME_* as return values, maybe
>> your 'approve' string is not exactly the same thing?
>> The debug message is logged?
>> And is it really induced to the user object? I don't see any focusType
>> and/or orderConstraint in your inducement.
>> arnost
>> po 4. 2. 2019 v 23:10 odesílatel Nicolas Rossi <nrossi at identicum.com>
>> napsal:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I was trying to bypass an approval step using the automaticallyComplete
>>> configuration on an approval-metarole. I can't get it to work. It is
>>> ignored even when it returns always "approve". Sample here
>>> <https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/1c1975fa450bbee741314c2822c5715ebf68f6b2/model/workflow-impl/src/test/resources/policy/assignments/role-role25-very-complex-approval.xml>
>>> .
>>> Here is my metarole code:
>>> <role>
>>> <name>Sample Approval</name>
>>> <inducement id="1">
>>> <policyRule>
>>> <policyConstraints>
>>> <assignment id="2">
>>> <operation>add</operation>
>>> </assignment>
>>> </policyConstraints>
>>> <policyActions>
>>> <approval id="3">
>>> <compositionStrategy>
>>> <order>10</order>
>>> </compositionStrategy>
>>> <approvalSchema>
>>> <stage>
>>> <approverRef oid="53579500-962e-4b81-a946-7099bb077b8b" type="UserType"
>>> />
>>> <automaticallyCompleted>
>>> <script>
>>> <code>
>>> log.debug("AutomaticallyCompleted condition");
>>> return 'approve';
>>> </code>
>>> </script>
>>> </automaticallyCompleted>
>>> </stage>
>>> </approvalSchema>
>>> </approval>
>>> </policyActions>
>>> </policyRule>
>>> </inducement>
>>> <roleType>policy</roleType>
>>> </role>
>>> When I assign a role containing the metarole, the selected approver
>>> receives the work item, so the metarole is working but the
>>> automaticallyCompleted configuration is being ignored.
>>> Any thoughts ?
>>> Ing Nicolás Rossi
>>> Identicum S.A.
>>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>>> Oficina: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>>> Móvil: +54 (911) 6041-3920
>>> www.identicum.com
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>>> midPoint mailing list
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>> --
>> *Arnošt Starosta*
>> solution architect
>> gsm: [+420] 603 794 932
>> e‑mail: arnost.starosta at ami.cz
>> *AMI Praha a.s.*
>> Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6
>> tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz
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*Arnošt Starosta*
solution architect
gsm: [+420] 603 794 932
e‑mail: arnost.starosta at ami.cz
*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz
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