[midPoint] Reverse proxying midPoint no longer works with 3.9
Petr Gašparík - AMI Praha a.s.
petr.gasparik at ami.cz
Mon Aug 26 15:40:53 CEST 2019
wiki edited.
s pozdravem
*Petr Gašparík*
solution architect
gsm: [+420] 603 523 860
e‑mail: petr.gasparik at ami.cz
*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz
[image: AMI Praha a.s.]
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po 26. 8. 2019 v 14:09 odesílatel Ramón Cahenzli <ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch>
> Hi everyone,
> It seems I spoke too soon when I said reverse proxying midPoint now
> works for us. I've talked about this earlier and Stacy Brock had a
> solution for Apache that seemed to work:
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule ^/$ /midpoint/ [R,L]
> RewriteRule ^/midpoint$ /midpoint/ [R,L]
> ProxyPreserveHost on
> RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https
> RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 443
> ProxyPass "/midpoint/" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/midpoint/" ""
> # midPoint can be slow to respond, so we set the timeout to 10 minutes
> ProxyTimeout 600
> But midPoint itself still generates redirects to HTTP on port 80
> instead of using the information from X-Forwarded-Proto and
> X-Forwarded-Port as instructed.
> In application.yml we configure:
> server.address:
> server.port: 8080
> server.session.timeout: 60
> server.use-forward-headers: true
> server.tomcat.internal-proxies:
> server.tomcat.protocol-header: X-Forwarded-Proto
> server.tomcat.protocol-header-https-value: https
> server.tomcat.port-header: X-Forwarded-Port
> Yet we see midPoint redirecting to http://.../dashboard and
> http://.../login on, as on the screenshot. When port 80 is closed,
> users can't log in. midPoint seems to ignore
> server.tomcat.protocol-header and
> server.tomcat.protocol-header-https-value.
> The config information is from here:
> https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Using+MidPoint+with+embedded+Tomcat
> Incidentally, there is an error in that example (the block on line
> 78-87 should be indented under server.tomcat.accesslog) but I can
> create a Jira ticket for that.
> Any ideas what we could do to address the issue? We want midPoint to
> know that it needs to stay on HTTPS and not generate redirects to :80.
> Cheers,
> --
> —
> —
> Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
> Zurich University of the Arts
> —
> Ramón Cahenzli, MSc.
> IT Architect
> —
> Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach, 8031 Zürich
> Tel. +41 43 446 31 63, Fax +41 43 446 45 21
> ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch
> —
> http://www.zhdk.ch
> http://itz.zhdk.ch
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