[midPoint] Massive warnings after login - help needed

Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s. arnost.starosta at ami.cz
Sun Sep 30 14:54:12 CEST 2018

Hi Wojciech,

in my experience lots of weird gui errors indicate a problem with your

Is your midpoint otherwise ok? Can you see identity details in gui and save
any changes?

And is your resource schema indeed missing the targetNamespace? I guess xml
schemas are packaged in the war file, can you check its ok?

Any previous errors in the log file?


ne 30. 9. 2018 v 14:36 odesílatel Wojciech Staszewski <
wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl> napsal:

> Hello!
> Today I logged in to my midPoint and on the home page and I seen a lot
> of warnings:
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:8b266ef0-5258-4cb3-bd0f-19d794b138b8(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
>  Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:d691f845-ee14-4eac-9c51-7dddb55980f9(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:36dd5182-32e1-4b59-a46b-c0c5b6ff7d90(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:d7a1b38c-07db-42cc-b173-664b6e317871(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
>  Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:ae513835-f40a-451e-9fc8-42485390114a(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:839b6018-7118-48b2-9b99-248a41b01d85(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
>  Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:ca1135eb-6bcf-45fc-a56a-080fe491db10(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:5f8bf83f-c188-4737-94f9-ebdaf6676117(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:5e3ba8fa-4cab-4dd1-abed-2f97425d5a08(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:2b5d09cb-6160-4984-bf23-241b45ed0755(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
>  Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:9bdbe212-5107-4726-elab-myslenice000(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:8b266ef0-5258-4cb3-bd0f-19d794b138b8(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> Schema error while applying connector schema to connectorConfiguration
> section of
> resource:8b266ef0-5258-4cb3-bd0f-19d794b138b8(*********************):
> Schema does not have targetNamespace specification
> What is going on? I'm really concerned.
> Thanks
> WS
> --
> Wojciech Staszewski
> Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
> tel. kom: 663 680 236
> www.diagnostyka.pl
> Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
> ul. Prof. M. Życzkowskiego 16, 31-864 Kraków
> Numer KRS: 0000381559 (Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie, XI
> Wydział Gospodarczy KRS)
> NIP: 675-12-65-009; REGON: 356366975
> Kapitał zakładowy: 33 756 500 zł.
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*Arnošt Starosta*
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 603 794 932
e‑mail: arnost.starosta at ami.cz

*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6

tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz <http://dtp.ami.cz/www.ami.cz>

[image: AMI Praha a.s.]

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