[midPoint] Assign a role fails because one of previously assigned resources is offline or non responsive

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Wed Sep 5 11:48:01 CEST 2018


I assign role "SQL RESOURCE ADMIN" to an user (userxxx). This role induces an account on a SQL resource (scriptedSQL connector).
But this user already has assigned 200 Unix accounts previously.

And the task of assigning "SQL RESOURCE ADMIN" role fails, becouse one of the Unix resources is not responding (turned off, vpn problems, slow responding, etc):

SystemException: Generic error in the connector. Can't process shadow shadow:
userxxx (OID:9729ba8d-3c70-42e6-9d6d-050849fd1640): Generic error in the connector ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl(connector:e7727a83-034e-4388-a55b-60778695ab97
(ICF org.connid.bundles.unix.UnixConnector v1.1-SNAPSHOT)).
Reason: org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException(channel is not opened.)->com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException(channel is not opened.)

The effect is that the userxxx never gets his SQL account because there are always some Unix resources unavailable.
And the question is: what can I do about this? Is there any way to configure midPoint to continue assigning task in such case or just ignore these errors?

Wojciech Staszewski

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