[midPoint] dirsync cookie size

Andrew Morgan morgan at oregonstate.edu
Tue Sep 4 02:09:47 CEST 2018

I want to use LiveSync against Active Directory.  I tested this against a 
DEV AD forest successfully.  However, our production AD forest sends back 
a dirsync cookie that is too large to store in the database.  Here is the 
error message:

Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: (conn:2031) Data too long for 
column 'stringValue' at row 1
Query is: insert into m_object_ext_string (item_id, owner_oid, ownerType, 
stringValue) values (?, ?, ?, ?), parameters 

stringValue is varchar(191), but the dirsync cooke is huge - 560 
characters long.

Is this a known issue?


Andy Morgan
Systems Administrator, Identity & Access Management
Information Services | Oregon State University
541-737-8877 | is.oregonstate.edu

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