[midPoint] Merge Users and Unique Property Value

Brad Firestone brad at globalnaz.org
Fri Oct 12 18:01:07 CEST 2018

Hi all,

As part of my migration from different systems into midPoint, I have 
about 100 Users that are duplicated.  I want to use the Merge function 
to resolve this.  I think I have the merge configuration setup 
correctly, but I'm getting an error.

My User Template is configured so that email addresses must be unique. 
When I try to merge, I get a PolicyViolationException that the Email 
address X is already used as primary address.  I'm guessing that the 
Merge operation is actually building a new User with information from 
the two existing Users, and would probably remove the two existing Users 
after the Merge is completed.  But it can't create this new User because 
of the uniqueness requirement.

Is there something I can do in the Merge configuration to overcome this, 
or do I need to disable the policy in the User Template while I'm 
merging Users?

Thanks for any ideas!

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