[midPoint] MidPoint gives error (OpenLDAP)

Parttimaa Jan jan.parttimaa at myy.haaga-helia.fi
Wed Nov 7 13:52:24 CET 2018


I'm trying to add new Posix group called "linux-group" to Midpoint but the Midpoint gives following error:

No target item that would conform to the path extension/gidNumber in mapping 'sequenceGID' in role:31ea66ac-1a8e-11e5-8ab8-001e8c717e5b(LDAP Unix Group Metarole) in delta for role:null(linux-group)

The complete error is in the attachments.

I have installed this schema<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Evolveum/midpoint/master/testing/story/src/test/resources/schema/unix.xsd> to Midpoint on the following location ("/opt/midpoint/var/schema"). I have also checked this wiki article<https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/LDAP+PosixAccount+and+PosixGroup+Management> (including imported all files in the table) and this blog post<https://evolveum.com/blog/simplifying-ldap-group-management-using-midpoint-posix-groups/>.

What should I do so I can make Posix groups?

I use MidPoint 3.8. OpenLDAP server has been connected successfully to MidPoint.

Best regards,

Jan Parttimaa

Jan Parttimaa


Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutusohjelma,

Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, Pasilan kampus
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