[midPoint] Import users from AD

Peter Viskup skupko.sk at gmail.com
Wed May 23 13:16:55 CEST 2018

New users created in Midpoint.
Following executed actions were logged:

User     Add     Import     196     User 00:1f:29:35:fc:f4 (00_1f_29_35_fc_f4)
Shadow     Modify     Import     196     Shadow
Clients,OU=Bratislava,OU=SK,OU=COMP,DC=comp,DC=corp (ACCOUNT - corp -

Goal is to import AD users into Midpoint.


On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 12:10 PM, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> what do you mean by "are imported"?
> Accounts are matched and linked to existing users, or even new users are
> created?
> Or you just see the accounts in Resource - Accounts page? (That's
> expected, shadows will be created by midPoint, but they should not be
> further processed because of the condition.)
> Best regards,
> Ivan
> On 23.05.2018 11:00, Peter Viskup wrote:
>> With following objectSynchronization definition also objects with dn
>> attribute not matching filterstr are imported.
>> Is there missing anything? Or the unmatched situation configuration is
>> not correct?
>>       <objectSynchronization>
>>          <name>CORP User sync</name>
>>          <objectClass>ri:user</objectClass>
>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>          <intent>corp</intent>
>>          <focusType>c:UserType</focusType>
>>          <enabled>true</enabled>
>>          <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>          <condition>
>>            <script>
>>          <code>
>>              filterstr = '(?i).*,OU=Users,OU=[\\S
>> ]+,OU=[A-Z]{2},OU=COMP,DC=comp,DC=corp'
>>          matchre = ~filterstr
>>              !(basic.getAttributeValue(shadow, "dn") ==~ matchre)
>>          </code>
>>        </script>
>>      </condition>
>>          <correlation>
>>            <q:equal>
>>                <q:path>c:name</q:path>
>>                <expression>
>>                    <path>$shadow/attributes/sAMAccountName</path>
>>                </expression>
>>            </q:equal>
>>          </correlation>
>>          <reaction>
>>             <situation>unlinked</situation>
>>             <action>
>>                <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#link</handlerUri>
>>             </action>
>>          </reaction>
>>          <reaction>
>>             <situation>unmatched</situation>
>>             <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>             <action>
>>                <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>>             </action>
>>          </reaction>
>>       </objectSynchronization>
>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 4:02 PM, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> think of objectSynchronization condition as a filter - objects not matched
>>> by condition will not be synchronized (and not marked by intent specified in
>>> the objectSynchronization). The primary purpose is when having multiple
>>> account intents, you need to distinguish between them using such conditions.
>>> From the MidPoint Deployment Fundamentals training:
>>>         <synchronization>
>>>                 <objectSynchronization>
>>>                     <name>Default account</name>
>>>                     <description>Normal accounts are NOT in
>>> ou=_Administrators container</description>
>>>                     <kind>account</kind>
>>>                     <intent>default</intent>
>>>                     <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>                     <condition>
>>>                         <script>
>>>                             <code>
>>> tmpSuffix = '(?i).*,ou=_Administrators_,ou=ExAmPLE,dc=example,dc=com$'
>>> re = ~tmpSuffix
>>> !(basic.getAttributeValue(shadow, "dn") ==~ re)
>>>                             </code>
>>>                         </script>
>>>                     </condition>
>>>                     <correlation>
>>> ...
>>> The correlation will not be done for not matching objects.
>>> As the example above is using regexp, it can be used to match "ou=users".
>>> I don't have AD now handy, but from the samples, ri:sAMAccountName is
>>> correct name of the attribute. Maybe you have some other problem. Can you
>>> e.g. check if you have this:
>>> ...
>>>        <icfc:resultsHandlerConfiguration>
>>> <icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>
>>> <icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>
>>> <icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>
>>>                 </icfc:resultsHandlerConfiguration>
>>>     </connectorConfiguration>
>>> ...
>>> I remember some "invisible" attributes when the
>>> enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler was true. For our LDAP connector,
>>> keep those to false.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ivan
>>> On 18.05.2018 15:39, Peter Viskup wrote:
>>> Yes, only users should be imported from "OU=Users" containers, which
>>> are located in the search base "OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp" more
>>> times and in different depth.
>>> e.g.:
>>> CN=Name
>>> Surname,OU=Employees,OU=Users,OU=Bratislava,OU=SK,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
>>> CN=Name
>>> Surname,OU=Administration,OU=Users,OU=Singapore,OU=SG,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
>>> CN=Name Surname,OU=Account Management,OU=Sales,OU=Users,OU=Buenos
>>> Aires,OU=AR,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
>>> In the same search base there are other objects which are not users
>>> (resources, groups, computers, ...). Thought this as "efficient"
>>> pre-filtering of user objects only.
>>> Is the condition in objectSynchronization better way of doing this?
>>> Maybe misunderstood something.
>>> With $shadow/attributes/dn the value is taken as expected. The input
>>> is still null.
>>> Is the <c:ref>ri:sAMAccountName</c:ref> correct?
>>> When browsing resource objects, the sAMAccountName is not visible for
>>> account objects (even with "show empty fields") and the only filled
>>> attributes are objectGUID and dn.
>>> Object synchronization is configured as follows:
>>>       <objectSynchronization>
>>>          <name>CORP User sync</name>
>>>          <objectClass>ri:user</objectClass>
>>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>>          <intent>corp</intent>
>>>          <focusType>c:UserType</focusType>
>>>          <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>          <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>>          <correlation>
>>>              <q:equal>
>>>                  <q:path>c:name</q:path>
>>>                  <expression>
>>>                      <path>$shadow/attributes/sAMAccountName</path>
>>>                  </expression>
>>>              </q:equal>
>>>          </correlation>
>>>          <reaction>
>>>             <situation>unlinked</situation>
>>>             <action>
>>> <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#link</handlerUri>
>>>             </action>
>>>          </reaction>
>>>          <reaction>
>>>             <situation>unmatched</situation>
>>>             <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>>             <action>
>>> <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>>>             </action>
>>>          </reaction>
>>>       </objectSynchronization>
>>> Peter
>>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> what do you want to achieve? Import only accounts from ou=users? That
>>> can be done using condition in <objectSynchronization>...
>>> Ivan
>>> On 17.05.2018 15:17, Peter Viskup wrote:
>>> Trying to import users from AD tree to Midpoint without success
>>> (inbound mapping).
>>> Not able to define inbound mapping condition with check of the value
>>> of DN attribute.
>>> This is schema handling for users:
>>>       <objectType>
>>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>>          <intent>corp</intent>
>>>          <displayName>User CORP</displayName>
>>>          <default>true</default>
>>>          <objectClass>ri:user</objectClass>
>>>          <attribute>
>>>             <c:ref>ri:sAMAccountName</c:ref>
>>>             <displayName>Account name</displayName>
>>>             <tolerant>true</tolerant>
>>>             <exclusiveStrong>false</exclusiveStrong>
>>>             <inbound>
>>>                <authoritative>false</authoritative>
>>>                <exclusive>true</exclusive>
>>>                <strength>normal</strength>
>>>                <source>
>>>                   <name>dn</name>
>>>                   <c:path>$shadow/attributes/distinguishedName</c:path>
>>>                </source>
>>>                <target>
>>>                   <c:path>$user/name</c:path>
>>>                </target>
>>>                <condition>
>>>                   <script
>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>                           xsi:type="c:ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>>                      <code>
>>>         log.info("Attribute dn value: {}", dn.dump());
>>>         log.info("Attribute input value: {}", input.dump());
>>>         if (!basic.isEmpty(dn)){
>>>           return dn.contains('OU=Users');
>>>         }
>>>         return false;
>>>                      </code>
>>>                   </script>
>>>                </condition>
>>>             </inbound>
>>>          </attribute>
>>> Getting error (seems both dn and input variables are not defined):
>>> Cannot invoke method hashCode() on null object in condition in mapping
>>> in inbound expression for
>>> {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}sAMAccountName
>>> in resource:2a59c3d6-9d65-4284-980a-3bb8404126b3(Active Directory
>>> CORP)({.../common/common-3}input=null; dn=null; ) in condition in
>>> mapping in inbound expression for
>>> {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}sAMAccountName
>>> in resource:2a59c3d6-9d65-4284-980a-3bb8404126b3(Active Directory
>>> CORP)
>>> What source and target paths needs to used in this case?
>>> Peter
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>>> --
>>> Ivan Noris
>>> Senior Identity Engineer
>>> evolveum.com
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>>> --
>>> Ivan Noris
>>> Senior Identity Engineer
>>> evolveum.com
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> --
> Ivan Noris
> Senior Identity Engineer
> evolveum.com
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