[midPoint] Import users from AD

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Fri May 18 16:02:01 CEST 2018


think of objectSynchronization condition as a filter - objects not
matched by condition will not be synchronized (and not marked by intent
specified in the objectSynchronization). The primary purpose is when
having multiple account intents, you need to distinguish between them
using such conditions.

>From the MidPoint Deployment Fundamentals training:

                    <name>Default account</name>
                    <description>Normal accounts are NOT in
ou=_Administrators container</description>
*                    <condition>**
**                        <script>**
**                            <code>**
**tmpSuffix = '(?i).*,ou=_Administrators_,ou=ExAmPLE,dc=example,dc=com$'**
**re = ~tmpSuffix**
**!(basic.getAttributeValue(shadow, "dn") ==~ re)**
**                            </code>**
**                        </script>**
**                    </condition>**
**                    <correlation>**

The correlation will not be done for not matching objects.

As the example above is using regexp, it can be used to match "ou=users".

I don't have AD now handy, but from the samples, ri:sAMAccountName is
correct name of the attribute. Maybe you have some other problem. Can
you e.g. check if you have this:


I remember some "invisible" attributes when the
enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler was true. For our LDAP
connector, keep those to false.

Best regards,

On 18.05.2018 15:39, Peter Viskup wrote:
> Yes, only users should be imported from "OU=Users" containers, which
> are located in the search base "OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp" more
> times and in different depth.
> e.g.:
> CN=Name Surname,OU=Employees,OU=Users,OU=Bratislava,OU=SK,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
> CN=Name Surname,OU=Administration,OU=Users,OU=Singapore,OU=SG,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
> CN=Name Surname,OU=Account Management,OU=Sales,OU=Users,OU=Buenos
> Aires,OU=AR,OU=COMPANY,DC=company,DC=corp
> In the same search base there are other objects which are not users
> (resources, groups, computers, ...). Thought this as "efficient"
> pre-filtering of user objects only.
> Is the condition in objectSynchronization better way of doing this?
> Maybe misunderstood something.
> With $shadow/attributes/dn the value is taken as expected. The input
> is still null.
> Is the <c:ref>ri:sAMAccountName</c:ref> correct?
> When browsing resource objects, the sAMAccountName is not visible for
> account objects (even with "show empty fields") and the only filled
> attributes are objectGUID and dn.
> Object synchronization is configured as follows:
>       <objectSynchronization>
>          <name>CORP User sync</name>
>          <objectClass>ri:user</objectClass>
>          <kind>account</kind>
>          <intent>corp</intent>
>          <focusType>c:UserType</focusType>
>          <enabled>true</enabled>
>          <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>          <correlation>
>              <q:equal>
>                  <q:path>c:name</q:path>
>                  <expression>
>                      <path>$shadow/attributes/sAMAccountName</path>
>                  </expression>
>              </q:equal>
>          </correlation>
>          <reaction>
>             <situation>unlinked</situation>
>             <action>
>                <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#link</handlerUri>
>             </action>
>          </reaction>
>          <reaction>
>             <situation>unmatched</situation>
>             <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>             <action>
>                <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>             </action>
>          </reaction>
>       </objectSynchronization>
> Peter
> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> what do you want to achieve? Import only accounts from ou=users? That
>> can be done using condition in <objectSynchronization>...
>> Ivan
>> On 17.05.2018 15:17, Peter Viskup wrote:
>>> Trying to import users from AD tree to Midpoint without success
>>> (inbound mapping).
>>> Not able to define inbound mapping condition with check of the value
>>> of DN attribute.
>>> This is schema handling for users:
>>>       <objectType>
>>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>>          <intent>corp</intent>
>>>          <displayName>User CORP</displayName>
>>>          <default>true</default>
>>>          <objectClass>ri:user</objectClass>
>>>          <attribute>
>>>             <c:ref>ri:sAMAccountName</c:ref>
>>>             <displayName>Account name</displayName>
>>>             <tolerant>true</tolerant>
>>>             <exclusiveStrong>false</exclusiveStrong>
>>>             <inbound>
>>>                <authoritative>false</authoritative>
>>>                <exclusive>true</exclusive>
>>>                <strength>normal</strength>
>>>                <source>
>>>                   <name>dn</name>
>>>                   <c:path>$shadow/attributes/distinguishedName</c:path>
>>>                </source>
>>>                <target>
>>>                   <c:path>$user/name</c:path>
>>>                </target>
>>>                <condition>
>>>                   <script xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>                           xsi:type="c:ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>>                      <code>
>>>         log.info("Attribute dn value: {}", dn.dump());
>>>         log.info("Attribute input value: {}", input.dump());
>>>         if (!basic.isEmpty(dn)){
>>>           return dn.contains('OU=Users');
>>>         }
>>>         return false;
>>>                      </code>
>>>                   </script>
>>>                </condition>
>>>             </inbound>
>>>          </attribute>
>>> Getting error (seems both dn and input variables are not defined):
>>> Cannot invoke method hashCode() on null object in condition in mapping
>>> in inbound expression for
>>> {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}sAMAccountName
>>> in resource:2a59c3d6-9d65-4284-980a-3bb8404126b3(Active Directory
>>> CORP)({.../common/common-3}input=null; dn=null; ) in condition in
>>> mapping in inbound expression for
>>> {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}sAMAccountName
>>> in resource:2a59c3d6-9d65-4284-980a-3bb8404126b3(Active Directory
>>> CORP)
>>> What source and target paths needs to used in this case?
>>> Peter
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>> --
>> Ivan Noris
>> Senior Identity Engineer
>> evolveum.com
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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