[midPoint] How to check indirect assignments with policy constraints?

Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s. arnost.starosta at ami.cz
Mon May 14 10:54:21 CEST 2018

Hi Pavol,

thank you for the tip, however i can't use hasAssignment as i need to
combine several conditions - check attribute values and possibly multiple
role assignments - that are defined by administrators in GUI simply by
providing role attribute values. The policyRule script then works with
these values, in essence it combines the two functions
from testing/story/src/test/resources/delivery/rules/library.xml.

My simplified policy rule is

               <objectState id="2">
... check object.roleMembershipRef and other conditions ...
               <enforcement />

The roleMembershipRef contains one set of refs when preview is clicked and
different one when saved.

Hope i can quick fix this by 'mandatory preview'.


2018-05-11 19:07 GMT+02:00 Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>:

> Hello Arnošt,
> how does your state constraint (and the whole policy rule) look like?
> I am aware of some issues related to constraint evaluation, but I think
> this could work.
> And, by the way, haven't you considered hasAssignment constraint? It
> should support direct, indirect, and both modes of assignment.
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developerevolveum.com
> On 11.05.2018 17:36, Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s. wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to check the identity has a direct or indirect assignment to a role
> in a scripted object state policy constraint. And it almost works .)
> The script uses user.roleMembershipRef to determine if a user 'has' a
> given role.
> In GUI Preview everything works nice, policy matches, roleMembershipRef
> contains the assigned roles.
> But when you click 'Save', roleMembershipRef does not reflect the new
> state, the newly assigned roles are not there as in preview. My policy now
> effectively checks the old object state only.
> Do you know any other way how to check for directly or indirectly assigned
> roles in a policy constraint?
> Checking only directly assigned roles seem to work ok with user.assignment
> (midpoint.isDirectlyAssigned()). I can't find any way to trigger the
> policy after roleMembershipRefs are evaluated.
> Thanks!
> arnost
> --
> Arnošt Starosta
> solution architect
> gsm: [+420] 603 794 932
> e-mail: arnost.starosta at ami.cz
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Arnošt Starosta
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 603 794 932
e-mail: arnost.starosta at ami.cz

AMI Praha a.s.
Pláničkova 11
162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239
web: www.ami.cz

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