[midPoint] Listing WorkItems in task

Jan Melník - AMI Praha a.s. jan.melnik at ami.cz
Fri May 4 14:55:08 CEST 2018

Hello guys,

I'm trying to list WorkItems assigned to specific user.
midpoint.searchObject does not support WorkItemType, so I've tried
searchObjects on RepositoryService but got another Unsupported type class


*                taskManager =

*                repositoryService = taskManager.getRepositoryService();

*                OperationResult ores = new OperationResult("dummy")

*                ObjectQuery query =
QueryBuilder.queryFor(WorkItemType.class, prismContext)*
*                  .item(WorkItemType.F_ASSIGNEE_REF)*
*                  .ref(input.oid)*
*                  .build();*

*                //res = midpoint.searchObjects(WorkItemType.class, query)
*                SearchResultLis<PrismObjecct<WorkItemType>> res =
repositoryService.searchObjects(WorkItemType.class, query, null, ores);*

com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException: Unsupported type
class com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.WorkItemType

*Third try* was according GUI page, and guess what, another Unsupported
exception 😒

com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException: Unsupported type
class com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.WorkItemType

*                  modelService =

*                Task sTask = taskManager.createTaskInstance("Work item
search")                *
*                OperationResult ores = sTask.getResult();*
*                 ...*
*                res = modelService.searchObjects(WorkItemType.class,
query, null, sTask, ores);*

*Any ideas how to list "work items" in MidPoint? Should I look for another
type? Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong here?*

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