[midPoint] Custom schema modifications

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Jul 26 18:01:33 CEST 2018

Hello Andy,

the supported way is to remove the attribute from the data before 
dropping it from the schema. You can use e.g. bulk actions (a.k.a. 
<https://wiki.evolveum.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=13991970> to do so.

Of course, we made midPoint resilient enough to avoid the worst behavior 
if the administrator removes the attribute or the whole schema without 
cleaning up the data first - at least we tried to. The exact behavior 
can be version-dependent, but generally it is such that:

 1. "Normal" operations on the affected objects are not possible - e.g.
    such a user cannot be displayed via regular GUI. An error is
    reported instead. Data in the repository are not changed, i.e. wrong
    data are still there.
 2. The affected object can be, however, opened via Repository objects
    page, and fixed. At this moment the data are updated in the repository.

The midpoint.log file will contain warnings and errors in both cases. So 
the administrator can learn where the problem is and fix it.


An interesting situation could occur if some of system objects are 
affected. Out of curiosity I have now checked the behavior on master 
branch and found out that:

 1. When the administrator user is affected, it is still possible to log
    in as this user; and then fix the data.
 2. When the system configuration object is affected, the system is
    usable as well.

(other objects like the Superuser role were not tested but I suppose 
they should be OK as well)


Anyway, I would strongly recommend to follow the supported path and 
remove the data first. :)

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 21.07.2018 1:18, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> I have extended the midPoint schema by adding a file to the 
> ${midpoint.home}/schema directory.  What happens if I remove an 
> attribute from the schema file (maybe I don't need it anymore)? What 
> happens if I remove the schema file itself?
> Will there be any errors when I restart midPoint?  Will the extension 
> attribute values remain in the midPoint database?
> Thanks,
> Andy Morgan
> Systems Administrator, Identity & Access Management
> Information Services | Oregon State University
> 541-737-8877 | is.oregonstate.edu
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