[midPoint] SuperUser Persistence

Seth McCombs seth at sourceclear.com
Tue Jan 23 01:01:15 CET 2018

Hey All,

I inherited a running MidPoint install, and while all is working well, I am
trying to learn as much about the system as I can. One thing I have found
is that when I provide my account with SuperUser access (after logging in
as root account), I then log back in a day or two later, and my super user
access is gone. I've only just started digging through configs and logs,
but I have little idea where to start, one thing I have found is this XML
file - (See output below)

<role oid=“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004”
<description>Role that gives user full authorization in

It seems to me that the superuser is possibly hard coded, but I don't know
where that above link leads nore how to fix this,

Any advice is MUCH appreciated!


Seth McCombs
IT Operations Engineer
+1 510.514.5855
seth at sourceclear.com
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