[midPoint] Upgrade from 3.6 to 3.7 (standalone) leaves ownerref empty on tasks, can't start midPoint

Ramón Cahenzli ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch
Mon Jan 22 12:19:39 CET 2018

Hello everyone,

We run midPoint on Debian with PostgreSQL. I've upgraded one of our dev
instances successfully to 3.7 with no issues, apart for the problem
that the following index from postgresql-upgrade-3.6-3.7.sql already

  ON m_operation_execution (owner_oid);

If you check the previous schema that was
included with midPoint 3.6 (postgresql-upgrade-3.5-3.6.sql) you'll
notice that this index was defined there.

But this isn't even the real problem. The issue is that some tasks
defined in midPoint 3.6 don't seem to have an owner reference, and
midPoint 3.7 does not start with such a database.

The relevant log lines, truncated:

Task Manager cannot synchronize task
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007 due to schema exception..

com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException: Task
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007 does not have an owner (missing

The database confirms this:

midpoint=# select name_norm, ownerref_targetoid from m_task;
    name_norm     |          ownerref_targetoid
 cleanup          | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
 trigger scanner  |
 validity scanner |
(3 rows)

What I've tried so far:

I did the terrible hack of just setting the ownerref_ fields to the
same as in the "cleanup" task. However, when restarting midPoint, the
data is overwritten, the records are missing ownerrefs again. This
leads me to believe that midPoint deletes and recreates these records
on its own during startup.

How could I fix this? I am happy to supply more information.


Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Zurich University of the Arts
Ramón Cahenzli, MSc.
IT Architect
Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach, 8031 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 446 31 63, Fax +41 43 446 45 21
ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.chhttp://www.zhdk.ch

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