[midPoint] Issue with midPoint cluster (Cannot connect to the remote node: no such object in table)

Oleksandr Nekriach o.nekriach at dynatech.lv
Fri Jan 12 13:52:44 CET 2018

Hello guys.
I have found cause.
It was my fault I have missed to configure dataSource atttribute for
taskManager in config.xml

On 12 January 2018 at 10:10, Oleksandr Nekriach <o.nekriach at dynatech.lv> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Please help me to solve the issue with cluster deployment.
> I have setup midpoint cluster on tomcat servers with two nodes NodeA
> and NodeB (using Sun JDK 8).
> Everything seems correct in logs during startup only INFO messages are there.
> 2018-01-12 07:23:18,152 [] [localhost-startStop-1] INFO
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.cluster.NodeRegistrar):
> Registering this node in th
> e repository as NodeB at sec-idm2:20001
> 2018-01-12 07:23:19,071 [] [localhost-startStop-1] INFO
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.execution.LocalNodeManager):
> Initializing Quartz sc
> heduler (but not starting it yet).
> 2018-01-12 07:23:19,151 [] [localhost-startStop-1] INFO
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.execution.LocalNodeManager):
> ... Quartz scheduler i
> nitialized.
> 2018-01-12 07:23:19,153 [] [localhost-startStop-1] INFO
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.execution.TaskSynchronizer):
> Synchronizing Quartz j
> ob store with midPoint repository.
> But when I navigate to Server tasks (in administrative interface) I
> receive error messages  in logs (see below) and status messages in
> interface Cannot connect to the remote node NodeA at sec-idm1:20001:
> no such object in table
> sec-idm2:~# telnet sec-idm1 20001
> Trying
> Connected to sec-idm1.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> The same situation when I try it from the second NodeB. In this case
> Cannot connect to the remote node NodeB at sec-idm2:20001: no such
> object in table
> sec-idm1:~# telnet sec-idm2 20001
> Trying
> Connected to sec-idm2.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 2018-01-12 07:58:38,045 [] [http-nio-8080-exec-8] ERROR
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.execution.RemoteNodesManager):
> Cannot connect to the remote node NodeA at sec-idm1:20001.
> java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table
>         at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(StreamRemoteCall.java:283)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(StreamRemoteCall.java:260)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(UnicastRef.java:161) ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:227)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:179)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy182.newClient(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
>         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector.getConnection(RMIConnector.java:2430)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector.connect(RMIConnector.java:308)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory.connect(JMXConnectorFactory.java:270)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.execution.JmxClient$1.run(JmxClient.java:45)
> ~[task-quartz-impl-3.6.1.jar:na]
>         at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
> ~[na:1.8.0_151]
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [na:1.8.0_151]
> --
> Best regards,
> Oleksandr Nekriach | Identity and access management engineer
> Dynatech, Mednieku str. 4a, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
> +37125314685
> ,
> o.nekriach at dynatech.lv
> |
> www.dynatech.lv
> Stay connected:
> Confidentiality Notice: This message contains confidential information
> and is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you are not the
> addressee you may not copy, distribute or perform any other activities
> with this information. If you have received this transmission in
> error, please notify us by e-mail immediately. E-mail transmission
> cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could
> be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete,
> or contain viruses.

Best regards,

Oleksandr Nekriach | Identity and access management engineer

Dynatech, Mednieku str. 4a, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia

o.nekriach at dynatech.lv

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