[midPoint] CAS 5 & Midpoint

Arda Nural arda.nural at biznet.com.tr
Tue Apr 24 16:58:42 CEST 2018

Hello, I encountered some issues integrating CAS 5 and Midpoint 3.6

my midpoint properties file for CAS configuration is below:





With this  setting call to http://x.x.x.x:8080/midpoint redirects to CAS
server. I authenticate the user from LDAP on CAS page. A ticket generating
ticket is validated at server and service ticket is sent back to Midpoint
as follows:


I get 404 on this page.

I tried to follow the wiki and uncommented the CAS parts:

In ctx-web-security-cas.xml file

<bean id="serviceProperties"


    <property name="service" value="${auth.cas.midpoint.host}/login/cas"/>

    <property name="sendRenew" value="${auth.cas.send.renew}"/>


<bean id="casEntryPoint"


    <property name="loginUrl" value="${auth.cas.server.host}/cas/login"/>

   <property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties"/>


I appreciate any help.

Kind regards,


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