[midPoint] Org Metarole not correct in 3.6

Jason Everling jeverling at bshp.edu
Mon Sep 25 20:32:18 CEST 2017

I am getting our 3.6 environment ready to migrate from 3.2, it was the
easier path for me and so far I am getting stuck on this part.

We have a metarole with the below inducement but it does not work with
nested Orgs in 3.6, it works in 3.2 and I cannot figure out what has
changed since 3.2 for it not to work.

<inducement id="1">

The error is below

''No target item that would conform to the path $focus/organization in
mapping in role:3213ac2f1-c1...(Metarole for Org Assignment) in
org:7275b2b0-a2..(OU=Org,DC=TEST,DC=LOCAL) in

Any help is appreciated,

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