[midPoint] Synchronization situation: DELETED and NPE

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Tue Sep 19 09:20:44 CEST 2017


deleteFocus is IMHO not what you want. It behaves just like you
described, it will delete focus (user) objects if their projection does
not exist anymore. That could be good response for authoritative
systems, but not for this case.

I'd suggest to use DELETED situation with unlink action. Then
reconciliation should unlink the non-existent shadow. And then I would
run user recompute task in midPoint to reapply roles which will
re-create the accounts in your Linux machine.

But for NPE you should attach the stack traces, that looks like a bug -
not sure if in midPoint or in configuration. Or even better: create new
jira please and attach corresponding part of your resource (anonymized
if required). Thanks.

Best regards,

> 1) I removed "DELETED" synchronization situation at all. Result: Null
> Pointer Exception.
> 2) I added "DELETED" situation with no action. Result: Null Pointer
> Exception.
> 3) I added "DELETED" situation with "Delete shadow" action. Result: Null
> Pointer Exception.
> The default enforcement policy (relative), more or less says the same as
> positive: "If a non-existing account is assigned it will be created". So
> I expected that midPoint will recreate the account on the resource. What
> are the correct settings to get such behavior?
> Best regards,
> Wojciech Staszewski.
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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