[midPoint] Deprovisioning in case of a disabled role

Michalis Siochos msiochos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 12:55:15 CET 2017

Hi All,

I'm getting unexpected behaviour in the following scenario (midpoint 
3.6.2-SNAPSHOT 18/10)
I have a simple role that induces LDAP

1) The role is created with lifeCycleState = Proposed / AdminStatus = 

2) The role is assigned to a user, no provisioning takes places (OK!)

3) The role is enabled (lifeCycleState = Active, AdminStatus = Enabled)

4) The user is recomputed and then an account is created (OK!)

5) The role is disabled (lifeCycle = Deprecated or other states, 
AdminStatus = Disabled) user is recomputed -> Nothing happens (NOT OK).

6) The role is unassigned (in disabled state) -> Nothing happens (NOT OK)

7) The only way I can have the account deprovisioned is by enabling the 
role before un-assigning it

How can I achieve deprovisioning in case a role is disabled?
Do I miss anything?


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