[midPoint] objectTemplate account create base on account fail

HAQUET Serge shaquet at cirb.brussels
Wed Nov 15 08:32:28 CET 2017

What target I should use to avoid to create this role.
I try linkref but nothing happend

From: midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] On Behalf Of Ivan Noris
Sent: mardi 14 novembre 2017 15:54
To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Subject: Re: [midPoint] objectTemplate account create base on account fail


what you have in assignments is the resource account assignment, for which the projection has been created. If you assign resource account (as you do), this is the expected state.

See https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Assigning+vs+Linking

Best regards,


On 09.11.2017 15:19, HAQUET Serge wrote:
When i look via the gui I have the projection but in assignment I have also a “role” with the same name of my resource

From: midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] On Behalf Of Ivan Noris
Sent: jeudi 9 novembre 2017 13:12
To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Subject: Re: [midPoint] objectTemplate account create base on account fail

Hi Serge,

can you specify exact file/sample where this was?

I have not used direct account assignment, but just roles, in the object template, but I can see this:


        <description>A hack to avoid feedback to HR feed - deleting accounts because they are not assigned</description>
                                                <resourceRef oid="8844dcca-775d-11e2-a0ac-001e8c717e5b" type="c:ResourceType"/>
                <code>employeeType != null</code>

See how the <assignment> element is commented out; hope this is the problem.

If you specify the sample from which you have seen the original construction, we can have a look at it.

Best regards,


On 08.11.2017 12:43, HAQUET Serge wrote:
I get this example from midpoint git and it didn’t work , look like missing something to validate  the xml

                        <resourceRef oid="0e70c40e-d952-45ee-9780-10845afdc126" type="ResourceType"/>

Midpoint version : 3.6

Goal : when create new user , create a new account an link it base on the some resources


  *   using the Complex User Template , from the midpoint git.
  *   only use the account create part.
  *   import the file in midpoint
  *   create new user

Error (see file) : Message
Item {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3}assignment has no definition (in container value CTD ({.../common/common-3}AssignmentType))while parsing ( {...common/common-3}assignment => ( {...common/common-3}construction => ( {...common/common-3}resourceRef => ( oid => parser ValueParser(DOMa, oid: 0e70c40e-d952-45ee-9780-10845afdc126) type => parser ValueParser(DOMa, type: ResourceType) ) ) ) )

When : trying to create user

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Ivan Noris

Senior Identity Engineer



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Ivan Noris

Senior Identity Engineer

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