[midPoint] Task errors and unreachable resource

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Mon Nov 6 16:14:41 CET 2017


Sometimes defined tasks stop on fatal error with Unix Connector because some of my servers may be unreachable or slow respondig due to high network traffic.
There are users with assigned accounts on the servers. I have over 100 servers connected to midPoint at the moment (will be 2x more).

The error looks like below:

Generic error in the connector. Can't process shadow shadow: xxxxxxx (OID:2206fd17-6162-4333-98c7-98aea0ee42ec): Generic error in the connector
ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl(connector:e7727a83-034e-4388-a55b-60778695ab97(ICF org.connid.bundles.unix.UnixConnector v1.1-SNAPSHOT)).
Reason: org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException(channel is not opened.)->com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException(channel is not opened.)

And now the riddle:

*** Which one of the 100 servers is causing this? ***

The error above refenencing to user and connector, not to the resource. What I have to configure to get these errors more detailed?

I have read on the Evolveum page about integrity and handling such situations like offline resources or so. How to enable this feature? ;)

Best regards,
Wojciech Staszewski.

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