[midPoint] Logs are not printing

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu May 18 12:52:59 CEST 2017


it's not that simple. The logback.xml file is used only for logging 
during startup. As part of midPoint initialization, the new logback 
configuration is created on-the-fly based on the (high-level) logging 
configuration stored in midPoint System Configuration object.

I think the best way is to look at idm.log in a separate window.

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 14.05.2017 7:23, Rohit Patil wrote:
> Hi,
> I am building midpoint 3.5 from source and using eclipse neon 3 for 
> it. When I run it I cannot see the logs in console. The logs are not 
> getting printed. I also made some changes in logback.XML I change the 
> Appenders file I made it Catalina.out instead of idm.log but still 
> logs are not printing in eclipse console.
> Please tell me what should I do so that logs will be printed.
> Thank you.
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