[midPoint] bulk interface examples

Emily Backes ebackes at symas.com
Fri May 5 18:47:00 CEST 2017


I've been looking at the bulk interface and the enticing confluence
pages in particular-- MidScript looks very useful, even in XML form.  I
recognize that this area is still in active development, but are there
working examples?

I realize there are a multitude of xml snippets in the tree with
<s:search> and friends, but when I try to use these with RunScript I get
an error:

    Endpoint URL: http://localhost:8080/midpoint/model/model-3
    com.sun.xml.internal.ws.streaming.XMLStreamReaderException: XML
    reader error: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at
    Message: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.

This usually means the DOCTYPE is missing a systemId entirely, but none
of the examples use DOCTYPE or even the <?xml?> bit.  What am I doing
wrong, or is there a working example handy somewhere?

Emily Backes
Symas Corporation
ebackes at symas.com
desk   +1 650 963 7603
mobile +1 818 620 9879

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