[midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Mon Mar 20 16:05:32 CET 2017

Hi Tommy,

you should start with some of our samples and adjust it using wizard of
XML. Using resource wizard for creating completely new resource is quite
challenging - there are many possibilities.

I'd suggest to start with sample from

Then you can go to Resources - click on your resource - Accounts - click
on "Resource" button and the list of existing AD accounts will be
fetched from your AD. Try to import one of them using wheel menu -
Import. If this works, you will have one imported account from AD and a
new user should be created.

If that works, you can try to import all accounts. But first please be
sure that the above works!


On 03/20/2017 03:51 PM, Tommy Montegu wrote:
> Hello,
> I choose to start from the beginning. I remove all configuration I
> have done before.
> Please could you show me how to configure my Active Directory server
> into a resource, and synchronize Active Directory users with midpoint
> Users ?
> I would be very grateful if you can help me.
> I have to set up a IDM solution for my school project, and I am
> stucked in the beginning. I choose midPoint because I think it’s a
> good solution.
> But I realize it’s a little complicated. If you can help me, please.
> I remain at your entire disposal for further informations.
> Best regards,
> Tommy
> *De :*midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] *De la
> part de* Ivan Noris
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 17 mars 2017 15:19
> *À :* midPoint General Discussion
> *Objet :* Re: [midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources
> Hello Tommy,
> this can be a million of things (well almost).
> Is the resource configured correctly? Is there synchronization
> configuration with correct situations and reactions? Are there inbound
> mappings? (Have you used some of our samples? Which one?)
> What task have you created? LiveSync? Import? Reconciliation?
> How do you assume the task "works well"? Is there any progress?
> Are there any errors in idm.log?
> Regards,
> Ivan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Tommy Montegu" <tommy.montegu at exodata.fr
>     <mailto:tommy.montegu at exodata.fr>>
>     *To: *midpoint at lists.evolveum.com <mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
>     *Sent: *Friday, March 17, 2017 12:55:42 PM
>     *Subject: *[midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources
>     Hello,
>     I have configured a Active Directory Ressource.
>     I want to import users from my DC to midpoint. I try to
>     synchronize users creating a task. My task works well, but nothing
>     happen. When I took a look on Users page, there’s nothing except
>     administrator.
>     Please, could someone help me to import and synchronize my user
>     from my AD server to MidPoint ?
>     I would be grateful if someone can help me, starting with the
>     beginning of the configuration.
>     Thanks a lot,
>     Best regards,
>     *Tommy Montégu*   Technicien Support, Exodata
>     photo
>     Standard : 02 62 977 955 <callto:02%2062%20977%20955>
>     Email : tommy.montegu at exodata.fr <mailto:tommy.montegu at exodata.fr>
>     Website : www.exodata.fr
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> -- 
> Ivan Noris
> Senior Identity Engineer
> evolveum.com
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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