[midPoint] AD group filter on reconcile

Nicolas Rossi nrossi at identicum.com
Wed Mar 1 15:36:29 CET 2017

Hi Pavol, thank you for the update !

We have removed this feature on our customer and now we are handling all
groups in MP. I will try it on a custom lab for future implementations.

Kind regards,

Ing Nicolás Rossi
Identicum S.A.
Jorge Newbery 3226
Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 10:40 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com> wrote:

> Hello Nicolas,
> it is implemented now (in master as well as in support-3.5).
> You can try.
> The tolerantValuePattern and intolerantValuePattern are matched against
> naming attribute of the associated object (i.e. usually group).
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developerevolveum.com
> On 18.01.2017 14:10, Nicolas Rossi wrote:
> Hi Pavol, have you talked with Radovan about this issue ?
> Regards,
> Ing Nicolás Rossi
> Identicum S.A.
> Jorge Newbery 3226
> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
> www.identicum.com
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Nicolas,
>> yes, unfortunately - as I said - it is *not* currently supported. (You
>> can look at ReconciliationProcessor.decideIfTolerate vs
>> decideIfTolerateAssociation.)
>> More details (but maybe not much, anyway) can be seen by enabling TRACE
>> logging for com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector.Reconciliati
>> onProcessor. But that wouldn't help with associations, anyway. Only with
>> attributes.
>> Using memberOf attribute might *probably* help. But you would need to
>> forget about managing that attribute using associations, and return to
>> managing its values explicitly. (A step back into times of midPoint 2.x.)
>> That would mean probably a lot of complications, and I strongly not
>> recommend it.
>> Maybe the best way would be to wait for Radovan. He'll be certainly able
>> to tell what to do.
>> Pavol Mederly
>> Software developerevolveum.com
>> On 14.01.2017 11:59, Nicolas Rossi wrote:
>> Hi Pavol, I tried with that setting but It didn't work. Here is my
>> configuration:
>> <association>
>>     <c:ref>ri:group</c:ref>
>>     <displayName>AD Group Membership</displayName>
>>     <tolerant>false</tolerant>
>>     <*tolerantValuePattern*>.*(?<!OU=Grupos_Seguridad,OU=Uninor
>> te,DC=uninorte,DC=local)$</*tolerantValuePattern*>
>>     <exclusiveStrong>false</exclusiveStrong>
>>     <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>     <intent>group</intent>
>>     <direction>objectToSubject</direction>
>>     <associationAttribute>ri:member</associationAttribute>
>>     <valueAttribute>ri:dn</valueAttribute>
>>     <shortcutAssociationAttribute>ri:memberOf</shortcutAssociati
>> onAttribute>
>>     <shortcutValueAttribute>ri:dn</shortcutValueAttribute>
>>     <explicitReferentialIntegrity>false</explicitReferentialIntegrity>
>> </association>
>> The regex matches strings not ended with "OU=Grupos_Seguridad,OU=Uninorte,DC=uninorte,DC=local"
>> (groups outside our managed OU) expecting to be tolerant with that values.
>> Does it work in association as the same way it does for attributes ?
>> Maybe I should create the "memberOf" attribute and define the
>> tolerantValuePattern there.
>> Which log should I enable to get more information about the pattern
>> evaluation ?
>> Best regards,
>> Ing Nicolás Rossi
>> Identicum S.A.
>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>> www.identicum.com
>> On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 7:22 AM, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Nicolas, Martin,
>>> for attributes, there is tolerantValuePattern/intolerantValuePattern
>>> property pair that could help. Unfortunately, similar mechanism for
>>> associations is not implemented yet. I'm afraid that neither baseContext
>>> nor protected accounts are relevant means to help in your case.
>>> Maybe Radovan or someone with more experiences in this area could help
>>> you.
>>> Pavol Mederly
>>> Software developerevolveum.com
>>> On 14.01.2017 0:59, Martin Besozzi wrote:
>>> Hi, All.​
>>> Also we changed the ​"*baseContext*" definition in order to avoid the
>>> groups outside the "OU=Grupos_Seguridad,OU=Uninor
>>> te,DC=uninorte,DC=local".
>>> *<baseContext> *
>>> *     <objectClass>ri:organizationalUnit</objectClass>*
>>> *        <filter>*
>>> *         <q:equal>*
>>> *              <q:path>attributes/dn</q:path>*
>>> *
>>> <q:value>OU=Grupos_Seguridad,OU=Uninorte,DC=uninorte,DC=local</q:value>*
>>> *         </q:equal>*
>>> *       </filter>*
>>> *</baseContext>*
>>> But the user shows the group association "
>>> *cn=Identicum,cn=Users,dc=uninorte,dc=local*" which is outside the base
>>> context.
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Do you have any suggestion ?
>>> ​Best regards
>>> Ing Martin Besozzi
>>> Identicum S.A.
>>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>>> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>>> www.identicum.com
>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 7:41 PM, Nicolas Rossi <nrossi at identicum.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys, I have a working AD LDAP resource. The group association has
>>>> tolerant flag in false. So when I reconcile the user, it removes the user's
>>>> group memberships found in AD and not in midPoint. I'd like to apply a
>>>> filter there because midPoint only sees groups under a specific
>>>> organization unit. So when the user has groups outside this OU they are
>>>> also removed.
>>>> I tried with a baseContext definition under the schemaHandling and
>>>> protected definition but nothing worked.
>>>> Here are some examples of protected configurations I have tried:
>>>> <protected>
>>>>   <filter>
>>>>     <not>
>>>>       <q:substring>
>>>>         <q:matching>stringIgnoreCase</q:matching>
>>>>         <q:path>
>>>>           declare namespace icfs="http://midpoint.evolveum
>>>> .com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3";
>>>>           attributes/icfs:name
>>>>         </q:path>
>>>>         <q:value>OU=Grupos_Seguridad,OU=Uninorte,DC=uninorte,DC=loca
>>>> l</q:value>
>>>>         <q:anchorEnd>true</q:anchorEnd>
>>>>       </q:substring>
>>>>     </not>
>>>>   </filter>
>>>> </protected>
>>>> The above example tries to match any groups not ending with the managed
>>>> OU.
>>>> <protected>
>>>>     <filter>
>>>>        <q:equal>
>>>>         <path>ri:dn</path>
>>>>         <value>CN=Domain Admins,DC=uninorte,DC=local</value>
>>>>       </q:equal>
>>>>    </filter>
>>>> </protected>
>>>> ​This tries to match specific group.
>>>> ​Do you have any suggestion ?
>>>> ​Best regards,
>>>> Ing Nicolás Rossi
>>>> Identicum S.A.
>>>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>>>> Tel: +54 (11) 4552-3050
>>>> www.identicum.com
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