[midPoint] Use Role Property in Outbound mapping.

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Wed Jun 28 14:54:30 CEST 2017

Hello Rohit,

this should be pretty straightforward. Please see

  * https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Assignment+Configuration#AssignmentConfiguration-ConstructionVariables
  * https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Assignment+Path+Variables+Example

So, source variable should point to the role that contains the resource 

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 28.06.2017 14:45, Rohit Patil wrote:
> Hello!
> Can you please help me in achieving the following schenario...
> say I have Resource (Database Table) having 2 columns name and role.
> I have 5 roles R1 to R5 and in each role i have induced my Resource.
> now when i assign any role to any user I can use user property in 
> outbound mapping so it can be inserted in database table.
> but I want something extra here.
> I want name of user to be stored in database table column name, but I 
> want role column to be populated by the name of Role.
> Like if I assign role R1 to user rohit, so entry in database table 
> will be name = rohit, role = R1.
> whereas If I assign role R2 to user rohit, then entry in database will 
> be name = rohit, role = R2.
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Regards
> Rohit Patil
> +91 8806000443
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