[midPoint] net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap.LdapConnector 1.5.2 and "Activation"

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Tue Jun 27 14:22:14 CEST 2017

On 06/27/2017 10:28 AM, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
> Of course the memberOf is operational attribute in the configuration options:
>           <gen60:operationalAttributes>nsAccountLock</gen60:operationalAttributes>
>           <gen60:operationalAttributes>memberOf</gen60:operationalAttributes>
> Maybe it is something 389-ds related....

That's possible. In the past I have fixed several issues that were 
specific to the "Netscape" family of LDAP servers (which includes 
389ds). Those servers are interpreting the LDAP standards in a very 
liberal way. So I would not be surprised if the issue that you are 
experiencing is caused by some of those quirks. We have tests for 389ds. 
But as we currently do not have any midPoint subscriber with 389ds 
server, those tests are not that thorough and they haven't been updated 
recently. Those tests are not using memberOf attribute. On the other 
hand we have good tests for OpenLDAP and OpenDJ that also include 
memberOf attribute and those are working well. As for 389ds, we do not 
plan any update regarding this server unless it is requested by midPoint 
subscriber. But as always, contributions and bugfixes are more than welcome.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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