[midPoint] Unix Connector

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Fri Jul 21 10:20:04 CEST 2017


I am using this connector with midPoint:


This connector is quite old, last commit 09.02.2015, except "readme.md".
Is there any other Unix connector available, newer and more stable?

The problem with this connector is:
- when you have couple of servers (not much) - it works well enough.
- when you have many servers connected (over 100 in my case), then errors like this are very common:

Generic error in the connector. Can't process shadow shadow: oracle (OID:de6dcd3a-8da2-46f0-89ea-2f0a14734609):
Generic error in the connector ConnectorInstanceIcfImpl(connector:e7727a83-034e-4388-a55b-60778695ab97(ICF org.connid.bundles.unix.UnixConnector v1.1-SNAPSHOT)).
Reason: org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException(session is down)->com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException(session is down)

The problem is probably with JSch session. I don't know Java, but i googled a little and it seems to be easy to fix with some kind of 'keepalive' mechanism.
Or maybe setting longer timeouts or pool in the resource configuration could help? Wthat do you think?

Best regards,
Wojciech Staszewski

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