[midPoint] Very Slow LDAP Sync

Lucas Diedrich lucas.diedrich at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 15:25:35 CEST 2017

One strange thing, the accounts is not listing under resouce tab:

[image: image.png][image: image.png]
Is there a way to clean this?

Em seg, 3 de jul de 2017 às 09:02, Pavol Mederly <mederly at evolveum.com>

> Oh yes. That's quite expected. :) H2 is really to be used only for demo
> and testing purposes.
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developerevolveum.com
> On 03.07.2017 13:52, Lucas Diedrich wrote:
> Hi Gustavo,
> *- server HW * A centos 7 x64 vm, with 4 cores and 12gb of ram.
> *- Tomcat memory parameters:*
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseParNewGC
> -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx3072m
> *- database? is it in the same server?*
> I'm was using the H2 internal database. Now i migrated to a postgresSQL
> server and the process is reading the 7000+ users in about 2 minutes.
> Now its working good.
> Thanks.
> Em qui, 29 de jun de 2017 12:48, Gustavo J Gallardo <
> ggallard at identicum.com> escreveu:
>> Hi Lucas,
>> can you add some additional info regarding:
>> - server HW
>> - Tomcat memory parameters
>> - database? is it in the same server?
>> - is the import process creating the users in midpoint? are you assigning
>> roles, organizations, resources to those users?
>> - is there a user template processing?
>> Regards,
>> Gustavo J Gallardo
>> *Identicum S.A.*
>> Jorge Newbery 3226
>> Tel +54 (11) 4552-3050 <+54%2011%204552-3050>
>> ggallard at identicum.com
>> www.identicum.com
>> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Lucas Diedrich <
>> lucas.diedrich at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I'm creating a task to sync my LDAP Users (389DS), i have more than 7000
>>> users, when i initiate the sync task it reads like 15 users for second,
>>> almost 1000 peer minute, but as the process goes on it keep getting slower,
>>> slower like reading 1 user in 3 seconds.
>>> This is the log
>>> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Obk37N2izHImvLQegSNr4w you can
>>> check at the begining he is reading more than 3 or 4 peer second and at the
>>> end it is really slow.
>>> This is the resource config: https://snag.gy/7IN8oa.jpg
>>> The process usage: https://snag.gy/GXJqbo.jpg
>>> I'm using 4 threads on the task but with a single task i've the same
>>> issue. Any ideas guys?
>>> Thanks.
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