[midPoint] Proper way to sync changes of org parent value

Ерошенко Антон aeroshenko at frte.ru
Mon Jan 23 11:53:07 CET 2017

Hi all, I am a little stuck with a simple case of org-to-org association synchronization.
I have an object template (below) that produces an assignment of perentOrgRef. Org parent is being found by ‘extension/parentId’ field.
All works as expected, but if some org moves to other branch, then new assignment will be created during sychonization, but old one will remain as well.
As a result the org has two parent references, one of which is wrong.
Is there method to eliminate the remaining association?

<objectTemplate …>
   <name>Security Org Template</name>
      <name>Org-org mapping</name>
               <resourceRef oid="ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3eaew" type="c:ResourceType"/>

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