[midPoint] Metarole and resourceRef inheritance

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Tue Feb 14 10:26:33 CET 2017

Hello all!

I have a question, maybe stupid or maybe not:

- Why metarole must have "ResourceRef"? Can't it be inherited from "master" role?
  (I know the answer: "metarole is also a normal role..." etc.).

This would be useful with large number of identical systems. I'd like to have 30 metaroles that I could assign to any of 200 systems than have to maintain 30x200 metaroles.
Access rights (roles, groups, privileges, "entitlements" in general) are identical in each system, they are replicated from central server.
Any change causing necessity to edit 30x200 roles, it will be a nightmare to maintain.

Best regards,
Wojciech Staszewski

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