[midPoint] Password reset by email

Jan Kaspar Caspi at seznam.cz
Fri Dec 29 22:50:09 CET 2017

Hi Wojciech!

thank you very much! works like a charm!



Hi Jan!

You have to configure infrastructure/defaultHostname in the system
configuration object.



W dniu 29.12.2017 o 21:24, Jan Kaspar pisze:
><i> Hi all,
</i>><i> i am try to setup password reset by email. For now I am just testing
</i>><i> that functionality.
</i>><i> System si sending emails to correctg address but with wrong URL.
</i>><i> There is a null on place where dns should be:
</i>><i> Did you request password reset? If yes, click on the link bellow
</i>><i> *null/confirm/reset?user=blanca.parker&token=NcglY*
</i>><i> *
</i>><i> *
</i>><i> I used this documentation. 
</i>><i> *
</i>><i> *
</i>><i> <a href='https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Reset+Password+Configuration'>https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Reset+Password+Configuration</a>
</i>><i> But not able to find where i should it  configure.
</i>><i> Jan
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Wojciech Staszewski
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