[midPoint] Allowing end users to request association to roles or organisations.

Christopher Hoskin christopher.hoskin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 14:57:05 CET 2017


I'm evaluating MidPoint for my employer.

One of the features that we're interested in is allowing end users to
request association with a role or organisation. If I log in to the web
interface as the administrator, then I can see roles and organisations
under 'Request a role'. If I log in as a user with an assignment to the
'End User' role, then I can't see any roles or organisations to request an
association with.

Doing a little reading, it appears that the user needs a role with the
'selfRequestAssignment' authorization. So I have created a copy of the End
User role and added the following authorization:

      <authorization id="11">

However, when I log in as a user with this new role, I am still unable to
see any roles or organisations to request association with.

Have I got something wrong? Is there something else I need to do?


Christopher Hoskin
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