[midPoint] Issues importing CSV-file to "Users"

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Wed Dec 6 15:19:27 CET 2017


I would like to point out midPoint book:


This is *not* a substitute for training. And it probably never will be. 
But it is a good starting point. And it may be an excellent resource to 
assist in evaluation of midPoint.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 12/06/2017 03:10 PM, Christian Skøt Hoelgaard wrote:
> Hi again,
> I agree with you, Igor. Training is necessary to get the most out of a product like midPoint - unless you are willing to spend a LOT of time doing trial and error. But on the other hand - as a potential customer I need to be able to evaluate whether midPoint covers what I need before investing too much money. But at some point - if we go the midPoint way - training and support will come...  :o)
> I actually ended up fixing the issue in this thread myself.
> The sync part of the XML now looks like the below - and sync works both ways. So now I can get on with my testing!
> <synchronization>
>        <objectSynchronization>
>           <name>SyncCsvUser</name>
>           <kind>account</kind>
>           <intent>default</intent>
>           <focusType>c:UserType</focusType>
>           <enabled>true</enabled>
>           <correlation>
>              <q:description>Correlation</q:description>
>              <q:equal>
>                 <q:path>c:name</q:path>
>                 <expression xmlns="">
>                    <path>$c:account/c:attributes/ri:samaccountname</path>
>                 </expression>
>              </q:equal>
>           </correlation>
>           <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>           <reaction>
>              <situation>linked</situation>
>              <synchronize>true</synchronize>
>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>           </reaction>
>           <reaction>
>              <situation>deleted</situation>
>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>              <action>
>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#inactivateFocus</handlerUri>
>              </action>
>           </reaction>
>           <reaction>
>              <situation>unlinked</situation>
>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>              <action>
>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#link</handlerUri>
>              </action>
>           </reaction>
>           <reaction>
>              <situation>unmatched</situation>
>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>              <action>
>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>              </action>
>           </reaction>
>        </objectSynchronization>
>     </synchronization>
> Regards,
> Christian Skøt Hoelgaard
> IT Support Specialist
> www.frederikssund.dk
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Igor Farinic [mailto:ifarinic at evolveum.com]
> Sendt: 6. december 2017 10:53
> Til: midPoint General Discussion
> Emne: Re: [midPoint] Issues importing CSV-file to "Users"
> Hi Wojciech,
> for sure midPoint is a complex product. One of the strongest motivation for training is to speed up the ramp up period to save time.
> Thank you very much, for taking the empirical experiment and sharing the outputs with us.
> We have been reported similar numbers from more volunteers and now I am pretty confident to state by attending a training one can save over a year of time.
> Best regards,
> Igor Farinic | Chief Executive Officer
> ifarinic at evolveum.com | www.evolveum.com
> tel.: +421 905 651 053
> Disclaimer:
> The contents of this e-mail and attachment(s) thereto are confidential and intended for the named recipient(s) only. It shall not attach any liability on the originator or Evolveum s.r.o. or its affiliates. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Evolveum s.r.o. or its affiliates. Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and / or publication of this message without the prior written consent of the author of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please delete it and notify the sender immediately.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wojciech Staszewski" <wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl>
> To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
> Sent: Monday, December 4, 2017 1:30:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [midPoint] Issues importing CSV-file to "Users"
> Hello!
> I was exactly at the same point 1,5 years ago.
> At the first contact midPoint seems to be unable to understand by human being ;), but belive me, after a year of intense exploration it becomes quite logic.
> First what I see, that you have defined "Linked" situation with "AddFocus" reaction. So, if you have account "linked" with IDM user you're trying to create another focus (user) in IDM.
> Try this:
> <reaction>
>      <situation>linked</situation>
>       <synchronize>true</synchronize>
> </reaction>
> W dniu 04.12.2017 o 13:07, Christian Skøt Hoelgaard pisze:
>> Hi all,
>> I am in the process of exploring the possibilities of midPoint to see if it is a viable IDM solution for my organization.
>> So now I have been “trial-and-erroring” for a couple of weeks – trying to get an understanding of the concept…  :o)
>> I am beginning to grasp the workings of resources, but I still seems like things are not working as they should.
>> Presently I am trying to make a simple (?) import of users from a CSV file. I have managed to import them manually (“Cog” > “Import”) from the “Accounts” view of the resource. But any form of synchronization is simply not happening. If I make changes in the CSV I need to manually do a reconciliation (in the “User” view) for the changes to take effect.
>> For every single account the result in the above view is “FailedOperationTypeType.null:Fatal Error” and the error message is this:
>> Operation: operation.com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.searchResult
>> Message: Failed to import: com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ConfigurationException: Action definition in resource resource:86b229c0-7396-45f0-b1bd-f11e732ffe59(CSV Import Test) doesn't contain handler URI
>> I don’t understand this, as the oid of the resource is in fact “86b229c0-7396-45f0-b1bd-f11e732ffe59” and the XML has a “handlerUri” for each action defined:
>> <synchronization>
>>        <objectSynchronization>
>>           <name>SyncCsvUser</name>
>>           <kind>account</kind>
>>           <focusType>c:UserType</focusType>
>>           <enabled>true</enabled>
>>           <correlation>
>>              <q:description>Correlation</q:description>
>>              <q:equal>
>>                 <q:path>c:name</q:path>
>>                 <expression xmlns="">
>>                    <path>$c:account/c:attributes/ri:samaccountname</path>
>>                 </expression>
>>              </q:equal>
>>           </correlation>
>>           <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>           <reaction>
>>              <situation>linked</situation>
>>              <synchronize>true</synchronize>
>>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>              <action>
>>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>>              </action>
>>           </reaction>
>>           <reaction>
>>              <situation>deleted</situation>
>>              <synchronize>true</synchronize>
>>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>              <action>
>>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#inactivateFocus</handlerUri>
>>              </action>
>>           </reaction>
>>           <reaction>
>>              <situation>unlinked</situation>
>>              <synchronize>true</synchronize>
>>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>              <action>
>>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#link</handlerUri>
>>              </action>
>>           </reaction>
>>           <reaction>
>>              <situation>unmatched</situation>
>>              <reconcile>false</reconcile>
>>              <action>
>>                 <handlerUri>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/action-3#addFocus</handlerUri>
>>              </action>
>>           </reaction>
>>        </objectSynchronization>
>>     </synchronization>
>> I hope someone can point me in the right direction, so I can get on testing. Thanks in advance!
>> Kind regards,
>> *Christian Skøt Hoelgaard*
>> IT Support Specialist
>> www.frederikssund.dk
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