[midPoint] intent filter/expression?

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Wed Dec 6 10:05:28 CET 2017


Yes, kind/intent is fixed. And, strictly speaking it has to remain fixed 
because resource+kind+intent triple determines object type, which 
determines the schema (and some policies). That is how midPoint is 
implemented now.

But, despite that, there are places where we do not need to be that 
strict. Theoretically intent could be determined dynamically at some 
places in the future. But there may be limitations (e.g. resource wizard 
will not work properly). And this is going to make the code a bit more 
complex than it is now. Therefore we will do that only if there is 
funding for development of this feature and funding for maintenance as 
well (i.e. platform subscription is needed).

We are also thinking about alternative feature. We would like to add 
"index" as a new element to existing resource+kind+intent triple. The 
idea is that resource+kind+intent would completely define the schema and 
policies. And then "index" could be dynamically managed and it would 
define an "instance", "site", "domain", "realm" and so on. That way we 
can get both "formal correctness" and dynamics. But this feature is not 
yet implemented and not even planned for any midPoint versions in a near 
future. Platfrom subscription is needed for this as well.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 12/06/2017 12:08 AM, Pavol Mederly wrote:
> Hello Wojciech,
> I am afraid that this is not possible. Intent (and the kind as well) 
> seem to be quite fixed to String (and ShadowKindType) in the code.
> Best regards,
> Pavol Mederly
> Software developer
> evolveum.com
> On 05.12.2017 12:00, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Is there an ability to set the "intent" in a metarole using filter or 
>> expression? Or it must be defined statically?
>> I'm building an "universal" metarole that is assigning an entitlement 
>> (group membership).
>> It must work with any instance of specified type of resource and any 
>> account intent. I'm trying to prevent the role explosion syndrome. :)
>> Everything is working fine, except that the metarole works only for 
>> accounts with intent marked as "default" (or defined explicitly).
>> Would be great to resolve "intent" using filter/expression, 
>> analogously to "resourceRef".
>> Below is the metarole:
>> <role>
>>     <inducement id="1">
>>        <construction>
>>           <strength>weak</strength>
>>           <resourceRef>
>>              <filter>
>>                 <q:inOid>
>>                    <expression>
>>                       <script>
>>                          <code>
>>                              return 
>> basic.getPropertyValue(immediateRole, "extension/resourceRef");
>>                          </code>
>>                       </script>
>>                    </expression>
>>                 </q:inOid>
>>              </filter>
>>              <resolutionTime>run</resolutionTime>
>>           </resourceRef>
>>           <kind>account</kind>
>> ROLE "extension/intentRef"* </intent>
>>           <association>
>>              <c:ref>ri:groups</c:ref>
>>              <outbound>
>>                 <strength>strong</strength>
>>                 <expression>
>>                    <associationTargetSearch 
>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>> xsi:type="c:SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>                       <filter>
>>                          <q:equal>
>> <q:path>attributes/icfs:name</q:path>
>>                             <q:value>GROUP AAAAA</q:value>
>>                          </q:equal>
>>                       </filter>
>>                    </associationTargetSearch>
>>                 </expression>
>>              </outbound>
>>           </association>
>>        </construction>
>>        <order>2</order>
>>     </inducement>
>> </role>
>> I tried to make filters / expressions but got nothing but errors...
>> Thanks for any help.
>> WS
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