[midPoint] How to translate Workfolw notifications?

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Wed Aug 23 10:30:21 CEST 2017


Because the notifier's expressions are not as easy as I thought,
I translated messages directly in the source (simpleWorkflowNotifier.java) and compiled midPoint from sources.

Now I have this notifier fully localized and it works perfectly. I know this is lame and I have to remember to translate these files again before each update,
but it works and now I can focus on more important tasks. :)


W dniu 21.08.2017 o 09:54, Wojciech Staszewski pisze:
> OK, thanks.
> Actually I like the default messages, except the fact that they are in English, so I was wonder if there's some easy way to translate them.
> If not, well, it's time for me to learn workflow expressions. Piece of cake (I hope) :) .
> Regards,
> WS
> W dniu 21.08.2017 o 08:07, Pavol Mederly pisze:
>> Hello Wojciech,
>> currently the only way is to customize the notifiers (any of them, not only workflow) by providing your own body and subject expressions. If you really need the transifex support, please contact Igor or Radovan directly.
>> Pavol Mederly
>> Software developer
>> evolveum.com
>> On 20.08.2017 18:16, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> How to translate SimpleWorkflowNotifier notifications? I can't see it on
>>> Transifex.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Wojciech Staszewski
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Wojciech Staszewski
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