[midPoint] Trouble configuring Zimbra as a resource

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Wed Apr 19 11:06:14 CEST 2017

Hi Tommy,

well this means that the zimbraAccount objectClass does not support
"uid" attribute in the schema. You cannot use attributes which are not
in schema in your schema handling.

If zimbraAccount is standard LDAP objectclass, I would assume you need
to use "ri:dn". (But I have not used Zimbra for provisioning.) The new
LDAP connector uses native attribute names from the object classes, in
LDAP case it's ri:dn for Distinguished Name instead of icfs:name and
usually something like ri:entryUUID instead of icfs:uid. (The latter may
differ for different directory servers.)



On 04/19/2017 09:17 AM, Tommy Montegu wrote:
> Hello,
> I got trouble to configure my zimbra server (where is hosted all my
> company email) as a resource in midPoint.
> I can connect my resource to midpoint, test connection is OK. You can
> find my resource configuration file attached.
> It’s with schema handling that i’ve got trouble. I’ve got this message :
> *Schema error while processing schemaHandling section of
> resource:48231e70-d81c-4cad-a6da-c84aed4fe4c5(Zimbra_AD): Definition
> of attribute uid not found in object class
> {http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3}zimbraAccount
> as defined in definition of
> resource:48231e70-d81c-4cad-a6da-c84aed4fe4c5(Zimbra_AD)* <javascript:;>
> Could someone help me configure my schema handling please ?
> I try to change the attribute uid by name, but I got the same result.
> I would be grateful if someone could help to configure my schema
> handling for configure my mail server as a resource.
> I hope to hearing from you soon.
> Best regards,
> *Tommy Montégu*   Technicien Support, Exodata
> photo
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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