[midPoint] Need to generate username AND emailaddress, two separeate iterations

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Tue Apr 4 20:48:07 CEST 2017

Hi Kari,

from what I know I think we have just one iteration token for whole User
object for now. I think this issue may be for tracking this feature:
https://jira.evolveum.com/browse/MID-1977 ("sponsoring needed").

You can have validation for any attribute to be unique in the object
template, but unless someone corrects me, the iteration token is just
one per user. (Schema suggests so as well.)



On 04/04/2017 02:06 PM, Kari Heikkilä wrote:
> Hello,
> setting up midPoint and phasing difficulties on username + email
> address generation.
> I have had (unique) username generation working nicely (using
> iteration feature.
> I need also generate unique primary email address for the new user.
> Our policies for usernames  and email addresses  are such that
> username and email address may need different amount of iteration
> cycles to achieve uniqueness,
> like username needing two cycles and email address only one cycle.
> My problem now is that I seem to get only one iteration loop and
> iterations are stop after both are found to be unique.
> Templates generation these are launched from resource synchronization
> unmatched situation.
> Is it possible to generate unique username and email address on
> separate loops?
> If yes any pointers to documentation are welcome.
> Best regards,
> Kari
> --
> Qvantel Finland
> System developer – integrations
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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